Friday, August 23, 2013

Are You Numb?

        There is something that I am noticing among people who call themselves believers that is disturbing. This article is going to upset some but hopefully it will also wake some up.

        Let’s start with an example. A person you have met says they have been in the walk for three or maybe even five years. They have settled on what they think the Father and the messiah’s name is. They understand the Sabbath and maybe something like clean and unclean. They also have chosen one to three “favorite teachers”.

        These people will talk about Torah and all the things they now understand. They will go on endlessly about the blindness of the Christians and wonder “How is it those Christians can’t see these things?”

        They also will pick up a favorite topic like maybe food and get on the “gmo” bandwagon posting dozens of scary posts on Facebook or even spend hours making videos for Youtube.

        Or maybe it’s end time politics that they get into and do postings on how corrupt the government is or how we need to do something about a particular issue that is highly disturbing to them.

        But when a brother or sister hints to them about obedience in a certain area or points to a teaching on something in particular they pull up short. One of the most common responses is “Well, I see what you’re saying but the Father hasn’t spoken to me about it yet.” Or maybe they say “I just don’t see it that way.” Perhaps they say “You don’t understand, I have circumstances that prevent me from”…. Whatever the issue is.

        Let’s look at the first response for a minute. What is meant by “the Father hasn’t spoken to me yet.“ We are right in the middle of the age of instant communications. There are literally hundreds of teachers out there and I have noticed that when these people are ask if they have read or seen a teaching on certain issues they almost always say they have.

        They also of course, have read the bible on these things. So my question is “What do you mean by “”The Father hasn’t spoken to me yet?””

        We all know the story of the man on the roof during a flood pray of god to deliver him. A helicopter comes by but the man refuses a ride saying he is waiting on god to deliver him. A boat comes by and gets the same response. When the man is drowning he asks god why he didn’t deliver him and god tells him “ I sent a helicopter and a boat and you refused.”

        I would like someone to explain to me how a person can read the bible, listen to teachings, watch videos, and have brothers and sisters speak to them and still insist “God hasn’t spoken to me yet.”

        Is there a possibility these people have a whole lot of head knowledge about the Father but their heart is still not circumcised? Is it possible that they know His name but know nothing of His character and authority in their lives? Or is it possible they are just plain rebellious?


  1. Ouch, Ouch, OUCH! Our family is 3 and 1/2 years into understanding how Abba uses others to speak to us! WHEW! It has been painful, but now we are much quieter and ready to listen! He sends people into our lives, sometimes for no other purpose but to tweak our walk with Him. Just within this last year, Yah opened our eyes to the television god, to the origins of household knick-knacks, and to the truth about Hannukkah traditions. ALL of these were through good people who are sharing truths that we say we are really just not ready to hear, lol! But we are researchers over here at our house, and a little investigation goes a long way! Just about the time we think we know just a little, we realize there is SOOOO much more to learn and understand. What I believe today, this very moment, is being challenged, as it should be! Walking is 'moving', and we never stop and get too cozy! It hurts me to see others become stagnant in their walk, and I pray for them daily! This was an excellent post!

    1. Kelly you are truely a blessing. I love seeing people whose main focus is pleasing the Master as all good and true servants should. When this is our priority we can grow very fast but when we don't have a submissive heart we will stagnate or have what some refer to as "blind spots". This blind spot syndrome is usually caused by people wanting a "Burger King" religion.
