Monday, August 19, 2013

How Much Will You Pay?

       Did you know you have a shopping cart and a back pack? When we come into an understanding of the truth we are in a condition of carrying a back pack and we are given a cart to carry other things. So imagine this. You have started your walk and you're going along talking to the Most High and as he hands you a package He says  "Put that in the cart, it's yours." So you say, "Really? Well if that's what you want I will gladly take that on."
       Just a little way down the road Yah says "How about reaching back there in that pack and throw out that little blue box." So you say"Ok, if you don't like that I don't either." So you throw it out.
       So you go on with your walk like this taking and putting off. Then one day He says "Reach back there and get that pretty blue box and throw it away." But you say "Master, surely this is not displeasing to you." And He says "Oh, but it is!" So with a little hesitation you throw it away.
       This goes on and on till one day He says "Reach back and get that nice looking colorful box and get rid of it."
       You say "Hold on now! I've had this all my life and I like it! Surely you don't mean this!"  And He says "Yes, to walk any further with me you need to drop that now."
       Let me tell you something. All of us will come to this point and have this decision to make. It's a thing that you hold dear but is not pleasing to Him. It is the point when you can take a side road and pretend you are still on the path, you can turn back into darkness completely (a very scary thought), or you can move forward into freedom and joy unspeakable.
       Have you counted the cost? It will cost you your life. Not necessarily your physical life but it will cost you the worldly things in your life. The things that are an abomination to Him. We are to be in the world but not touch it. Give that some thought and listen closely to His voice and when He speaks step forward into freedom and joy unspeakable.


  1. I have come to some of these places in my life where I have seen the cost and it has been high but worth it. We can't always see where getting rid of some behavior, a possession or someone we think we love so much is to our benefit in the end but we can't see the end and He can. He can see the results that can come about if we will just obey Him and His voice.

  2. I definitely see this happening in my life a lot. Now that my eyes have been opened... I can't see turning back. It feels like I would be returning to the lie that I was living in the past. I so wish there were more people to share this with in person that understood.
