Monday, August 12, 2013

Yom slishi Are you locked in a cell?

       Do you have a cell phone? Sure you do. Very few people don't have now days. Some live by them. They do business, keep in touch with their friends, do research on the net, just all sorts of things. You might even be reading this post on your phone.
       But let me give you something to think about. If you look around the world you will see that in almost every place where civil unrest breaks out, one of the things governments do is disable cell phones and internet because it slows down communications among the so called "troublemakers".
       Be honest with yourself and try to imagine what you would do if there was no cell phone service and no internet and it was emergency conditions. Take your time.
       Now pair that up with possibly limited travel and the beauty of life starts fading very fast.
       I want to urge each one of you to practice doing without. Every day that goes by is one day closer to the end. Can you spend one day with your phone turned off right now? How about three days? How about a week? Do you think you might be too dependant?
       I see the actions of many brothers and sisters is one of "I'll learn to swim when the time comes." They talk about how the second exodus is near or that marshall law is just around the corner or whatever they think is coming but their actions show a lack of  believing their own warnings. This is a part of what sukkot is about but we will discuss that maybe next time. The fact is that if we don't rehearse we will most likely blow the main event and cause ourselves and others needless pain and suffering. Practice, practice, practice.


  1. I couldn't agree more Timothy! I went to restaurant a few months back and I saw families sitting at the table not talking. They all had their little "smart" phones out or their tablets. It was a sad image indeed. Our waitress for the night actually commented to us that how nice it was to see our family sitting at the table having a conversation rather than having our faces glued to the phones.
    I can imagine going without a phone simply because I have only had a simple one for just a few months. I like not being interrupted by poorly written text messages. Blessings

  2. I care ZERO for my cell phone! It is a bother to have to carry it and be interrupted when I am busy! The internet, well...I sure do like to research and study when I am at home. I will miss having knowledge at my fingertips when it goes, but I won't miss the distraction and tool of procrastination that it can often be. You are right, we should break ourselves of the things that keep us from REAL LIFE!
