Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yom Chamishi Pt 2

Part two of "Christian compassion or compassion for the christians".
       Let me be clear about something concerning this and the previous atricle. What I am pointing to is how we come across to outside people. This does NOT mean that we shouldn't point out the falsity of religion. We can tell the truth about the religion of christianity without making those involved feel hated. Some have a gift for this such as Cheri Dillion on facebook but most of us need some work.
       So yesterday we looked back at who we are and what we look like to christians and gentiles. We also went down memory lane and looked at where we have come from and realized how we are not completely detached in some ways. In other words we have come out of Egypt so to speak but we still have some Egypt in us that needs cleaning out.
       We saw how we have reason to be joyful yet humble. We have been chosen and have a solemn responsibility to lead by example not judgement. In fact the Book tells us we are not to judge those outside the body.
(1 Corinthians 5:12-13 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.)
       This is a sobering thought after learning on yom sheni what wicked is.
       So now lets take a look at the christians. By looking back at where we once were we got a pretty good idea of who they are. But lets look at some other facts.
       Theologians and scholars tell us that if the bible is taken seriously that only 10 to 15 percent of those who call themselves are actually born again. Well now! That narrows the field down. Who are these people?
       They are the ones who take salvation seriously and are deeply in love with the god they have been taught about. But more, they are the ones who have some questions about things but are afraid to ask out loud. They have been raised in prison so to speak and have been taught that the man at the pulpit on the stage is "called by GOD!" They are walking in all they know.
       I was raised in Assembly of God and Church of God which are commonly called pentecostal type religions. My father was usually a deacon where ever we lived and went to church. But you know what? He did not agree with everything they taught. For one, he did not believe there is a pre-trib rapture.
       The thing is he never spoke about it or confronted anyone with questions. He didn't speak to me about it till I was well into adulthood.
       Brothers and sisters, we must realize the times we are in. Things are different. The battle is heating up and the chosen are being woke up and called out. If you are already awake you have awesome and fearful responsibilities.
       One is to draw near to the Father and be totally immersed in the character and authority of the Most High. This alone will bring the healing from within that we all need.
       Then we need to live and conduct ourselves in a manner that will show without doubt that we belong to and serve the great Yahweh. We must be filled with compassion for those still trapped in prison as we ourselves once were. We MUST, by example, light the way for those who come after us. They will grow much faster than us if we gracefully learn from our mistakes and pass those lessons to the spiritually younger Israelites.
       It's not about pride in ourselves or belittling those still blind and trapped in prison. It's about honoring, serving, and glorifying the one who made us and set us free. Shalom


  1. Timothy, you have fast become one of my most favorite morning reads! You just clear away all the nonsense that clutters and cut right to what is most important and you do it in a manner that doesn't tear down. Your style is warming and that is a sign that Yah has commissioned this work for you! This article is a great reminder to 'never forget' Egypt or the long journey out of it. I had almost forgotten and in my exuberance I was worrying about others more than myself and losing my compassion-but was blind to it! I feel so different these last few months and have been SO busy fishing the beam out of my own eye, lol! Our lives are our greatest witness. Thanks for good reading that helps us put things into proper perspective!

  2. Dear Kelly, I am humbled by your comment. I set this blog up because I just couldn't say all of what I wanted on Facebook. My sincere hope is that the posts here will always point the Him and Him alone.
    If any of these post bless you or draw you closer to Him it is the Spirit because the only good thing in me is the Spirit which I am trying to learn to listen too.
    Any suggestions you have for this blog will be greatly appreciated. Shalom
