Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sukkot, The Reality

        Sukkot is fast approaching. Are you observing this very important event? If you are then HOW are you observing it? I want to talk about this eight day time and maybe shed a little light on it for some who seem to be confused about it.

        This is one of those things that we (Israelites) do that outsiders look at and think how confused we are. We appear divided because we go around preaching how everyone should be torah observant then we all interpret torah to suit ourselves.

        Let’s start with the living quarters for Sukkot first. Since coming into this way I have seen people who gather at motels, people who live in motor homes, tents of varying kinds and those who build what they think is the biblical structure commanded for Sukkot.

But what do the instructions tell us? Nehemiah 8:14-15 clarifies the instructions.

14. They found written in the law how Yahweh had commanded through Moses that the sons of Israel should live in booths during the feast of the seventh month.
15. So they proclaimed and circulated a proclamation in all their cities and in Jerusalem, saying, "Go out to the hills, and bring olive branches and wild olive branches, myrtle branches, palm branches and branches of
other leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written."

Leviticus 23:43 tells us why.
43. so that your generations may know that I had the sons of Israel live in booths when I brought them out from the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your elohim.

        So how do so many equate this to motor homes and motels? I have no idea unless it is because they have no view of the big picture. While this week is supposed to be a week of joy as commanded in Lev. 23:40, it is also a reminder of how we came out of Egypt and many say it is a rehearsal for the second exodus.

        If this is the case, should we bring the whole house with us and run to the nearest store everyday for what we forgot to bring?

       I think it is for our benefit to prepare us for the future AND remind us of the past that we live as closely to the emergency conditions as possible. Plus we are commanded to rejoice through all this so it will help us grow spiritually.

       Try to think about what it means to truly leave Egypt and trust the Most High. No contact with the gentiles at all. Can you handle it? Are you prepared and ready for this? If you aren’t, when will you be? Are you taking steps to be ready or are you just doing a lot of talking and thinking you will learn how to swim after the water gets deep?

        I can tell you from first hand experience that you will learn some hard lessons the first few times you truly step out on your own or in a group.

        I know of a man who calls himself a prepper and a believer and has many followers and makes videos supposedly showing people about camping. This man makes some of the most serious mistakes I have seen. He doesn’t even know how to properly start a fire in the dry let alone in the wet.

All I’m saying is that sukkot is there for several reasons. One is to rehearse and practice. If you are going to truly learn to swim you need to get in the water not just play at the waters edge. Even if you are in the back yard, can you keep from going in the house? Can you make it under emergency conditions for one week. Take the challenge and observe sukkot properly and with joy.


  1. Our family is guilty of observing this in our own fashion and not according to Scripture. Every year that passes we 'mean' to do better, but struggle another year finding how to do it right. This and Passover are so joyous, but to me it is complicated to build a sukkah and stay outside in it. A tent sounds SO much better, but that isn't what He asked of us, is it? Pray for our family to make this last step in obedience to Him!

    1. Dear sister Kelly,
      This is a most touching and honest post that I feel sure many of us will relate to. I used a tent last year and I won't this year. I built a sukkah the year before and was so happy. You are definitely in my prayers sister and I could alway use some prayer myself. Shalom

    2. Yah has put you in my path, brother, and you are in my prayers. Thank you so much for including me in yours! Have a blessed Shabbat!

  2. Thanks for this posting...last year was our first sukkot.....I'm hoping this year is better. I get confused st how peoples interpretation of how yo celebrate.
